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Do good and do well

Carbon Xprint makes it easy to translate concern for climate change into measurable action. Action that comes with a financial reward.

Fact: Climate change is already having dramatic effects on the entire world — from plants and animals to entire groups of people — and it will only increase from here.

The things we do every day, like minimizing energy use by turning off lights, unplugging electronics, and carpooling, are only tiny pieces in solving the climate change puzzle.

We need renewable energy, better energy storage and greater energy efficiency, but financing the technology and infrastructure necessary for that is a challenge.

Enter Carbon Xprint:

A financial product that tackles the problem of climate change in an innovative way.

It’s a common misconception that doing what’s best for the environment requires a sacrifice or trade-off, especially in investments. Whether it’s time, money, or another inconvenience, the idea stands that going green doesn’t have any sort of reward in and of itself. And often, it’s hard to quantify the effect of these efforts.

Carbon Xprint challenges that idea, embracing the impact investing philosophy of “do good and do well.” CX products work much like traditional financial products such as savings bonds and CDs. When a consumer purchases a CX product, the funds are directed toward certified green projects. At the end of the deposit term, consumers get their money back, with interest!
Not only that, but CX’s pricing structure makes it simple to quantify your efforts and balance your carbon footprint.

Taking responsibility for climate change doesn’t have to be a win-lose situation. In fact, it can be a win-win situation that rewards investors for helping create the new low-carbon economy.

Why Carbon Xprint?

Everyone has a carbon “footprint” — the amount of carbon they individually contribute to the atmosphere each year. As of the most recent data (from 2011), the World Bank estimates the average American contributes 17 metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere yearly.

Carbon Xprint balances that footprint. CX products are priced equivalent to 1 ton of carbon, so each CX unit you purchase offsets one ton of your carbon footprint!

It has similarities to the idea of carbon offset trading used by world governments, but on a smaller, individual, and profitable scale. Your participation does offset your footprint but in contrast to carbon trading you retain an interest bearing asset. That asset is put to work creating a clean energy infrastructure.

“Do what you can,
with what you have,
where you are.”
– Theodore Roosevelt


Converting Climate Responsibility Into Measurable and Profitable Action